Procon Products Pumps Up Their Revenue Strategy with Bridgeline

WOBURN, Mass., Jul. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hawksearch, by Bridgeline Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ: BLIN), a site search AI and recommendation software provider, announced the launch of their solution on the website for Procon Products, a leading pump manufacturer.

Procon’s site, with over 10,000 products, will leverage Bridgeline’s Hawksearch to power search, recommendations, and search information management (SIM). These features will provide an organized, easy-to-use shopping experience within their expansive catalog to drive revenue growth.  

Hawksearch is recognized as an important investment for revenue growth within the manufacturing industry, already powering site search for leading brands such as Caterpillar, Berlin Packaging, MRC Global, Kirby Risk Electrical Supply, and Packard.

Procon Products currently has production plants located across the globe, requiring a more sophisticated search AI to support different languages and measurement systems. Hawksearch’s powerful SIM enables unit of measurement conversion, allowing site users to easily find the right parts internationally. Additionally, Hawksearch’s recommendations feature displays relevant product recommendations to shoppers, increasing average order value and revenue growth.

Ari Kahn, CEO of Bridgeline says, “We are thrilled to be working with Procon Products to deliver excellent customer experiences that lead to revenue growth. I look forward to witnessing Hawksearch help businesses launch their sites and build new growth strategies.”  

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Danielle Erwin

VP of Marketing

Bridgeline Digital

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